Asian Graphic Design by anipstudio presents the collections of contemporary Graphic Design from different part of Asia. Even though globalization seems to have resulted in the different cultures and societies getting more alike, many regional designs still retain distinctive characteristics. These particularities have been captured in this compilation of exceptional works of Graphic Design

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


here are some more example of graphic design for advertising in Korea. I have forgotten who is the designer and where I get the picture from, but this design are good example for us as Graphic Designer. Actually, this advertisement is for a casino in Korea, instead of directly using the picture or an image for represent the casino, the designer use the element in Korea and combine with the element in Casino.    

Thursday, 2 February 2012


here are some more ideas of Graphic Design from Indonesia by Cherie Bon, Cherie Bon is an Indonesian Illustrator and graphic designer, working and living in Melbourne Australia. Currently studying Master of Graphic Design in RMIT Melbourne, Australia.

Although she is now studying in Australia, but the element of Indonesia is still strong in her design. may be there are some mixture between Australia and Indonesia, but it is still AWSOME!

for more Graphic Design example from Indonesia, you are welcome to visit:

Indonesian Beauty by ~RixTwelve

Nusantara By *BountyList

Semar by ~bells31ita

Zamrud Khatulistiwa by ~meitantei

Inspiring Graphic Design artwork relating to Indonesia

here are some example of Graphic Design in Indonesia. Similar with my previous post on creating a design, first thing that important is what element that you use and your theme. In the design by Indonesian Graphic designers above, they maintain using their culture as a subject matter, by using all the element that we can found in Indonesia. Most of the element are from the nature, which is the closest to us. 

amazingly beautiful art from Indonesia Graphic Design, and such a beautiful country!!

for more Graphic Design example from Indonesia, you are welcome to visit:

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

more example from Thiland by Preecha Israphiwat

for more Graphic Design example by Preecha Israphiwat, you are welcome to visit:

here are some example of continuity design, which mean we as a Graphic Designer maintain our design in each of our product. This is important for viewers or audience to recognize our product. 

Maintain with your theme or element in each of your design and decide your theme color. Try not to make different design with a same product, maintain your main element and color. 

Here are some example on how a Graphic Designer maintain their design, from their product, vehicle and booth. 

* to all muslim, dont get me wrong by posting the Tiger brand, it is only for an example on how Designer make their design as a continuity design. 

for more Graphic Design example by Preecha Israphiwat, you are welcome to visit:

how to create this interesting typography? actually Yoshi Tajima only using the point drawing technique.


for more Graphic Design example Yoshi Tajima, you are welcome to visit:

for more Graphic Design example Yoshi Tajima, you are welcome to visit:

for more Graphic Design example Arman Khorramak, you are welcome to visit:

Monday, 23 January 2012


here are some design by a Korean Graphic Designer, Cooky Yoon. combination between Typography and a simple image could create extremely beautiful attraction especially for Advertising in Graphic Design. Enjoy.

" Design is like cooking, I have to think of my own recipe. To make the perfect design I have to have the perfect recipe. I'm trying to cook a design to express my natural feelings because all me work is done with true heart. I’m still hungry for design." Cooky Yoon

for more Graphic Design example from Cooky Yoon, you are welcome to visit:

Al Ahly in Japan: The day Al Ahly - Africa’s most successful football club - qualified for the Fifa World Cup in Japan, its popularity instantly hit the Japanese culture.

How do Grapphic Designer adapt their design? these are examples how we adapt by Mahmoud Fathy. the event was is Japan, so the design appear in Japanese style of Graphic Design, but still, Mahmoud Fathy uses his element in Caligraphy. it seems a combination between two element, Japan and Egypt. Viewers could see it is some kind of event in Japan, but could be read by the Arab. 

for more Graphic Design example from Mahmoud Fathy, you are welcome to visit:

another few example for advertising in graphic design by Mahmoud Fathy. For Graphic Designers, look how Mahmoud Fathy plays with the colour for each advertisment he designed. He use bright colour to attract people with some cute images. Plus, he still maintain the Egyptian element in his design.

for more Graphic Design example from Mahmoud Fathy, you are welcome to visit:

some ADVERTISING example from Egypt for Graphic Design by Mahmoud Fathy. Mahmoud Fathy creates contemporary works that linger seductively in a classical visual canon, to allow access to the designs created. “I use a lot of iconic images from childhood memories, cultural motifs, not to create exotic fetishes, but to remind people how seeing itself can always be reinvented anew”

From Mahmoud Fathy discription on how his getting his idea, he use images from around him, his childhood, culture and environment which could developed into some great ideas for Graphic Design.

for more Graphic Design example from Mahmoud Fathy, you are welcome to visit: